Popa, M. ; Dumitrel, G.A.*;  Glevitzky, M.; Popa, D.V., Anthropogenic Contamination of Water From Galda River - Alba County, Romania,  Book Series: Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2015, 6, 446-452

Dumitrel, G.A.; Glevitzky, M.; Popa, M.; Vica, M.L., Studies regarding the heavy metals pollution of streams and rivers in Rosia Montana Area, Romania, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology  2015, 16 (3), 850-860
Vica, M.L. ; Glevitzky, M.; Dumitrel, G.A.*; Junie, L.M.; Popa, M., Antibacterial activity of different natural honeys from Transylvania, Romania, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 2014, 49, 176-178
Popa, M.; Glevitzky, M.; Popa, D.M.; Dumitrel, G.A.*, Study Regarding the Water Contamination and the Negative Effects on the Population from the Blaj Area, Romania, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology  2014, 15, 1543-1554
Vica, M.; Popa, M.; Dumitrel, G. A.; Glevitzky, M.; Todoran, A., Study on Microbiological Quality and Pollution Control of Groundwater from Different Areas in the Alba County, Romania, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology  2014, 15, 64-72
Cara, M.C.; Dumitrel, G.A.*; Glevitzky, M.; Mischie, C.; Silaghi-Perju, D., Thermal Degradation of Streptomycin Residues in Honey During Storage, Food Technology and Biotechnology 2013, 51, 429-433
Cioabla,  A.E.; Ionel,  I.; Tenchea,  A.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Pode, V., Solid Biofuel Database - Potential of using Vegetal Biomass in Biogas Production, Revista de Chimie 2013, 64, 186-190
Dumitrel, G.A.; Popa, M.; Glevitzky, M.; Vica, M.; Todoran, A., Evaluation of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution in the Zlatna Region, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology  2013, 14, 1569-1576
Cioabla, A.E.; Ionel, I.; Bisorca, D.; Neamt, I.; Dumitrel, G.A., Small-Scale Biogas Production using Residual Sludge as Substrate, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology  2013, 14, 1777-1784
Cioabla, A.E.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Ionel, I.,Biogas Production by Anaerobic Digestion of Agricultural Biomass: Factorial Design Analysis,Interdisciplinary Research in Engineering: Steps Towards Breakthrough Innovation for Sustainable Development,   Book Series: Advanced Engineering Forum, 2013, 8-9, 85-92
Popa, M.; Glevitzky, M.; Dumitrel, G.A., Microbiological Risk Assessment of Ice-Cream Products, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology  2013, 14, 263-272
Crivineanu, M.F.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Silaghi Perju, D.; Jinescu, C.; Negrea, A., The Influence of Environmental Factors on Sedimentation Dynamics of Heavy Metals in Surface Waters, Revista de Chimie 2012, 63(10), 1051-1055
Cioabla, A.E.; Ionel, I.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Popescu F., Comparative study on factors affecting anaerobic digestion of agricultural vegetal residues,   Biotechnology for biofuels 2012, 5:39, 1-9
Cioabla, A.E.; Ionel, I.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Negrea, P.; Pode, V., Biogas Production through Anaerobic Digestion of some Agro-Industrial Residues, Revista de Chimie 2012, 63(6), 629-632
Crivineanu, M.F.; Perju, D.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Silaghi Perju, D., Mathematical Models Describing the Emission and Distribution of Heavy Metals in Surface Waters, Revista de Chimie 2012, 63(4), 435-439
Popa, M.; Glevitzky, M.; Popa, D.M.; Varvara, S.; Dumitrel, G.A., Study on Soil Pollution with Heavy Metals near the River Ampoi, the Alba County, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology  2012, 13, 2123-2129
Cara, M.C.; Dumitrel, G.A.*; Glevitzky, M.; Perju, D., Stability of tetracycline residues in honey, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 2012, 77(7), 879-886
Pacurariu, C.; Lazau, R.I. ; Lazau, I.; Tita, D.; Dumitrel, G.A., Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of some aventurine decorative glaze, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry  2011, 105(2), 435-441
Calisevici, M.N.; Perju, D.M.; Lysandrou, M.C.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Glevitzky, M., Determination of anion and cation contents in Cyprus drinking waters by HPIC method, Journal of Food Agriculture & Environment  2011, 9(1), 65-68
Ordodi, V.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Gruia, A.; Iacob, M.; Jinescu, G.; Perju, D., Electrochemical Microinstallation for Cytostatic Wastes Epuration, Revista de Chimie 2010, 61(9), 857-861
Silaghi-Perju, D.; Pirlea, H.; Jinescu, G.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Perju, D., NO2 Dispersion Process Simulation in Urban Areas by Analitical-Experimental Methods, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia 2009, 54(1), 165-172
Glevitzky, M.; Perju, D.; Dumitrel, G.A.; Popa, M. ; Vica, M.L., Water Activity - Indicator of Food Safety and the Factors that Influence the Biochemical Stability of Soft Drinks, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia 2009, 54(1), 181-188
Glevitzky, M.;  Pop, M.; Brusturean, G.A. ; Bogdan, I.; Calisevici, M.; Perju, D., Efficent Use of Andoxidants to Preserve Fruit Juice, Revista de Chimie 2008, 59(12), 1291-1295
Perju, D.; Pirlea, H.; Brusturean, G. A.; Silaghi-Perju, D .; Marinescu, S., Modelling and Simulation of NO(2) Dispersion Phenomenon in Atmosphere by Analytical-Experimental Methods, Revista de Chimie 2008, 59(10), 1112-1116
Glevitzky, M.; Bogdan, I. ; Brusturean, G.A. ; Perju, D; Silaghi-Perju, D., Study on the inhibition process of the natural juice degradation under different thermal treatments through pasteurization, Revista de Chimie 2008, 59(5), 595-600
Brusturean, G.A.; Todinca, T.; Perju, D.; Carre, J.; Rusnac, C., Soil vapour extraction of synthetic gasoline mixture: Experimental observations and model predictions, Revista de Chimie 2007, 58(12), 1268-1273
Brusturean, G.A.; Todinca, T.; Perju, D.; Carre, J.;  Bourgos, J., Soil clean up by venting: Comparing between modelling and experimental voc removal results, Environmental Technology 2007, 28(10), 1153-1162
Brusturean, G.A.; Perju, D.; Carre, J.; Silaghi-Perju,D.; Dumitrel, D., Statistical model of the influence of pollutants aging on the venting depollution process of a soil polluted with VOC, Revista de Chimie 2006, 57(3),  312-317
Brusturean, G.A.; Carre, J.; Perju, D.; Todinca, T., Study of the influence of temperature the venting depollution process of soils contaminated with volatile organic compounds, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 2006, 71(12),  1353-1361
Perju, D.; Suta, M.; Rusnac, C.; Brusturean, G.A.*, Contributions to the heat transfer study using analogue-digital systems, Revista de Chimie 2003, 54(3),   250-255

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